Koran “peaceful” quotes:
8:39 Fight them so that idolatry will not exist any more and God's religion will stand supreme. If they give up (the idols), God will be well aware of what they do.
40.70-72 Those who rejected the Book and the message which was given to Our Messenger will soon know (the consequences of their evil deeds). when fetters will be placed around their necks and chains will drag them into boiling water and then they will be burned in the fire.
41.26-27 The disbelievers say, "Do not listen to this Quran but make a lot of unnecessary noise while it is being read so that perhaps you will defeat it". We shall certainly make the unbelievers suffer severe torment and will punish them far worse than what they deserve for their deeds.
34.33 The oppressed ones will say to them, "It was you who planned night and day, ordering us to disbelieve God, and consider other things equal to Him." They will hide their regret on seeing their torment. We shall chain the necks of the disbelievers. Can they be recompensed with other than what they deserved for their deeds?
3:151 test the faith of the believers, and deprive the unbelievers of ( His) blessings.
76.4 We have prepared chains, shackles, and flaming fire (for the disbelievers).
9:123 The oppressed ones will say to them, "It was you who planned night and day, ordering us to disbelieve God, and consider other things equal to Him." They will hide their regret on seeing their torment. We shall chain the necks of the disbelievers. Can they be recompensed with other than what they deserved for their deeds?
5:51 Believers, do not consider the Jews and Christians as your intimate friends for they are only friends with each other. Whoever does so will be considered as one of them. God does not guide the unjust people.
3:28 The believers must not establish friendship with the unbelievers in preference to the faithful. Whoever does so has nothing to hope for from God unless he does it out of fear or taqiyah (pious dissimulation). God warns you about Himself. To God do all things return.
3.61 If anyone disputes (your prophesy) after knowledge has come to you, say, "Let each of us bring our children, women, our people, and ourselves to one place and pray to God to condemn the liars among us."
33.1 Prophet, have fear of God and do not yield to the infidels and hypocrites. God is All-knowing and All-wise.
33:48 Do not yield to the disbelievers or the hypocrites. Ignore their annoying you. Trust in God. God is your all Sufficient Protector.
9.3 This Announcement from God and His Messenger is to be made to the people on the day of the great Pilgrimage; God and His Messenger have declared no amnesty for the pagans. If you (pagans) repent, it would be better for you, but if you turn away (from God), know that you cannot make God helpless. (Muhammad) tell the unbelievers that a painful punishment has been prepared for them.
22.19-22 (Those who prostrate themselves before God and those who do not) are two groups who dispute with each other about their Lord. For the unbelievers the garment of fire has already been prepared. Boiling water will be poured upon their heads. It will melt their skins and all that is in their bellies. They will be subdued by iron rods. Whenever in anguish they will try to come out of hell they will be returned therein to suffer the burning torment.
36.8 We have enchained their necks up to their chins. Thus, they cannot bend their heads (to find their way).
69.30-32 The angels will be told, "Seize and chain them, then throw them into hell to be heated up therein. Fasten a chain to them - seventy cubits long - ...
4.89 They wish you to become unbelievers as they themselves are. Do not establish friendship with them until they have abandoned their homes for the cause of God. If they betray you, seize them and slay them wherever you find them. Do not establish friendship with them or seek their help
4:102 (Muhammad), if you are among them (your followers during a battle) and you call them for prayer, let a group of them carry their arms during prayer. After they have made their prostrations, let them go back to watch the enemy and let the other group who has not yet prayed, join you, carrying their arms with due precaution. The unbelievers would love to find you neglecting your arms and property and would attack you suddenly. If rain or illness make you suffer, you may place your arms aside during prayer but still observe due precaution. God has prepared a humiliating torment for the unbelievers.
47.4 If you encounter the disbelievers in a battle, strike-off their heads. Take them as captives when they are defeated. Then you may set them free as a favor to them, with or without a ransom, when the battle is over. This is the Law. Had God wanted, He could have granted them (unbelievers) victory, but He wants to test you through each other. The deeds of those who are killed for the cause of God will never be without virtuous results.
33.64 God has condemned the unbelievers and prepared for them a burning torment
47.35 Do not be weak hearted and do not appeal for an (unjust) settlement; you have the upper hand. God is with you and He will never reduce the reward for your deeds.
9:29 Fight against those People of the Book who have no faith in God or the Day of Judgment, who do not consider unlawful what God and His Messenger have made unlawful, and who do not believe in the true religion, until they humbly pay tax with their own hands.
9.73 Prophet, fight the unbelievers and hypocrites vehemently for the cause of God. Their dwelling is hell, a terrible destination!
9.5 When the sacred months are over, slay the pagans wherever you find them. Capture, besiege, and ambush them. If they repent, perform prayers and pay the religious tax, set them free. God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.